Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yes I Was Gay / Do You Need An Affidavit?

Okay folks there are people in the gay community who think that because I exited out of the gay life that I must never have been gay to start with. I am asking that all those who knew me when I was in that life to please make some type of mention of it here. You do not have to say your real name if you do not want to be identified but it would help.

Once my pastor's wife, Tessie, said she and her husband Bob would swear out an affidavit for me. Now I understand why they said that . . .

It is okay to post as well if you just want to make a comment on this whole thing of people not believing I was ever "gay".

1 comment:

Debbie Haughland Chan said...

What others think doesn't really matter. You and God (and many others) know the truth.