I so wish someone who identifies as gay would just admit that the reason the lesbian/gay community takes issue with ex-gays is because if a person like myself was able to leave homosexuality behind then there can be no special rights based soley on sexual preferences.
My testimony is one of many. There are many of us who truly thought we were born gay and we lived our lives as such.Then through the power of God, not an ex-gay ministry, we have had the scales removed from our eyes in order to see the truth that God did not make us that way, gay
Somehow, in our lost state, we came to that conclusion, that we were born gay, we rationlized it in one way or another because we wanted to have pleasure, sexual pleasure, though I did not realize at the time that that is what I was doing. We believed our rationalizations and those of others and so it came to be!
Those active and caught in the lies of homosexuality do not want to hear that there are actually people coming out of being gay . . .those active in the gay life say to themselves: "no that can not be" . . . "how can they change". . "they are born that way" . . . "Oh, well, they must never have been gay to start with! Oh, well, this whole ex-gay movement is a crock of bull!" I use to think the same thing folks. Until praise God my eyes were open to these lies. Oh how easy it seems I listened to those lies back then and for almost 20 years.
Oh what a tangled web we weave folks for a bit of sexual pleasure . . .The sad thing is we actually believe our own lies . . . Oh how I pray for those who are still captive to the lies of homosexuality . . .God please open their eyes before it is too late . . . Lord my heart aches for them . . . help those who are caught in the web to be set free . . . and those who are not gay but believe it is 'okay' open their eyes as well God, I beseech you!